Bay Oriental Medical Clinic - Antioch
Painless Acupuncture & Acupressure
Forum of TCM Review of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has a history with more than 3,000 years of empirical documentation and practice. TCM today is comprehensive system based on thousands of years of cross-cultural knowledge of the human body and mind. TCM consists of herb medicine, acupuncture, Tui-Na(oriental medical massage or acupressure) and osteopathy, et al. It has been part of the medical mainstream in countries such as China and Japan for centuries. It is accepted around the globe as a safe, effective and holistic complement or alternative to contemporary Western Medicine. It continues to be a highly effective treatment for various diseases and common ailments. Now it is also one of the most commonly used system of healing in the world. More than 10 million of American people have received acupuncture treatments annually in recent years. and systems are viewed as interconnected structures that work together to keep the body function. The concept of Yin & Yang in ancient Chinese philosophy was introduced to explain the basic theory in TCM. Ying &Yang represent vital substances and forces in the body. Illnesses are described as complex patterns of imbalances of Ying & Yang. Treatments in TCM is not based on Western medical diagnosis, but on identifying these problems in body imbalances of Ying & Yang. One of basic theory in TCM is Qi & Xue (blood) theory. It believes that Qi which is considered a vital force or belongs to Yang, and Xue which is a substance circulating around the whole body belongs to Ying.The harmony of Qi & Xue contributes to the health of human body. In case of functional disorder of Qi & Xue, it causes illness and people feel discomfortable. Qi & Xue flow through the body via channels or pathways, called meridians. According to meridian theory, there are 14 meridians in the body which conduct Qi & Xue from surface of the body to the organs or between the organs. There are more than 360 acupuncture points along the medians on the body. Acupuncture is a important modality in TCM by the painless insertion of fine needles into various acupoints on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi & Xue and restore the balance of Qi & Xue of the body. The most common clinical diagnosis in TCM is a combination of excess and deficiency of these vital substances(Ying) or energy(Yang). It is believed that when Qi is blocked or Xue decreased, pain or illness results. Imbalances in the flow of Qi or Xue cause illness, so only can we correct the imbalances, than the body will restore to normal states. It is the role of the practitioner of Chinese medicine to determine how the organs reflect excess and deficiency of Ying & Yang and to work with the patient in choosing a treatment plan to help restore balance. In order to restore the imbalance, there are a couple of Chinese medical modalities which can be applied. Among these effective ways, Chinese herbs, acupuncture or medical massage are most used in treatment procedures. Chinese medical doctor prescribes some herbs for patient or insert needles into acupoints on the body with some manual exaction to adjust or regulate the flow of Qi & Xue along the meridians, thus restore the balance of the body, and return to wellness. The more information regarding the Chinese Medicine, please go to website of the World Health Organization which endorses the use of Chinese medicine, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which offers a long list of diseases successfully treated by acupuncture. Published clinical trials and research on the efficacy of Chinese Medicine can be found on PubMed Central, an online repository for medical research managed by the NIH. Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) TCM has evolved over thousands of years and is safe and highly effective. It consists of Acupuncture, Tui-Na (acupressure or oriental medical massage), Chinese Herbs, Moxibustion, osteopathy, and other healing modalities. TCM restores patient health by balancing energies in the body using several methods. TCM uses a "holistic" approach to treat any health problems at the same time by focusing the whole body to provide medical benefits for patient. Acupuncture Acupuncture employs the use of fine needles inserted into acupoints along meridians in the body. Acupuncture can be very effective in reducing or eliminating pain, but is also effective in treating internal medical disorders and woman problems as well. The acupuncturist may use electrical stimulation or other Chinese medical modalities such as acupressure to enhance acupuncture effects. Auricular Acupuncture Auricular acupuncture has become widely known and involves treatment of acupoints on the outer surface of the ear for complaints throughout the body. It is most known for its effective treatment to patients who are quitting smoking or other forms of substance abuse, or working on weight loss. Acupressure Acupressure is also called Tui-Na or oriental medical massage. It involves pressure stimulation applied to acupoints to help remove Qi & Xue blockages and restore the normal circulation of Qi & Xue. It will improve overall health by promoting the balance of energy in the body. Acupressure is different from massage therapy in focusing on Qi & Xue traveling on acupoints rather than on muscles and tissues in the body. Chinese Herbs Chinese herbs are actually just as important to your TCM therapy as your acupuncture treatment. They are more often used in China. Chinese herbs are based on the same theories as acupuncture and allow your therapy to continue when you are away from the clinic. Chinese herbs administered in TCM clinic are in various forms including raw herbs, pills, table or capsule, powders, and tinctures, et al. Chinese herbs are prescribed by TCM practitioners with great care in selecting the form of herbs that assures maximum results and best matches the patient's treatment goal. Chinese herbs come in a wide variety of quality and strength. Organic or natural products manufactured with strict quality-control guidelines are recommended for you to use . Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is referred to as an "acupuncture face lift"
which is a safe and effective way of renewing the health and vitality of the face. It may repair superficial wrinkles, firm your skin around the neck, eyes, mouth, and face, reverse the sagging skin, treat acne, sun damage and other dermatological conditions, return you a brighter, healthier looking face. Facial Acupuncture also can improve muscle tone, tighten facial muscles, and may even improve collagen production. Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is thousands of years old but is quickly becoming one of the most popular
alternatives to cosmetic
Foot Reflexology(Foot Acupressure/Massage) Foot reflexology is focused on doing massage on acupoints around your foot area to treat diseases or improve the health of whole body. Foot reflexology has four effects as follow: 1)promote the flow of Qi & Xue around the foot, 2)help the blood circulation, 3) holster the immunity of the body, 4) detoxification of noxious ingredients in the body. Maintaining to do foot reflexology treatment in long term, your health will improve and keep in good status in your life. Hot/Cold Herb Packs Hot/Cold herb packs are one of TCM modalities which are placed on surface of the skin to adjust the flow of Qi & Xue along the meridian and help patient to recover from his or her imbalance of the body. If Hot/Cold herb packs is deemed necessary for your condition, it is generally included in an acupuncture visit.
Moxibustion is the process by burning Moxa herb with warming and tonifying characteristics, either on a needle or directly on the skin to help build the Qi and rid the excess moisture of your body. Patients usually enjoy this sensation of warmth and find it very relaxing. The heat never gets close enough to the skin to burn. If moxibustion is deemed necessary for your condition, it is generally included in an acupuncture visit. Cupping Cupping is an old Chinese medical modalities performed by TCM practitioner. The process traditionally uses glass jars, heated to create a vacuum, and placed on the skin surface to treat illnesses such as colds and wetness. Cupping can also be done all over the body to invigorate the flow of Qi and Xue and to relieve pain and stasis. If cupping is deemed necessary for your condition, it is generally included in an acupuncture visit. A patient can also come in separately for a cupping treatment if he/she wishes. TDP & Infrared Lamp(Electromagnetic Therapeutic Apparatus) In TCM clinic, practitioner often apply TDP & Infrared Lamp to help stimulate the Qi & Xue traveling on the meridian of your body. It is considered effective use in treating blockage of Qi & Xue or wetness of your body. If is deemed necessary fo your condition, it is generally included in an acupuncture visit. Detoxification & Lipid-reducing Treatment Acupuncture w/Pointer Pulse Laser or T.E.N.S Nutritional Counseling Diet and nutrition are instrumental in maintaining good health! Dietary and nutritional counseling is one of TCM modalities. Traditional Chinese dietary and nutritional recommendations are fully integrated into the theories of Chinese Medicine and are key to maintain health and success in a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment. Nutritional counseling usually is included in an acupuncture visit or can be done separately. Acupuncture with Weight Loss Please refer to Auricular acupuncture Acupuncture with Smoke Quitting Please refer to Auricular acupuncture |